10 things to consider when buying your first silencer

Buying your first silencer is an exciting step for many hunters, but it can also feel overwhelming with the wide variety of options and technical details. How do you know which silencer is right for you? In this post, we’ll go over the ten most important factors to consider before making your purchase to help you find a silencer that suits both your needs and budget.

1. Caliber compatibility

Ensure that the silencer is optimal for the caliber of your hunting rifle. A custom-fitted silencer always improves the performance of both the rifle and the user. Additionally, it maximizes sound and recoil reduction. Often, there are several models optimized for each caliber—choose the one that best fits your hunting style.

2. Size and weight

The size and weight of the silencer affect the rifle’s balance and handling. A lightweight and compact silencer minimally impacts the rifle while providing desired stability and handling for better shooting. Often, the rifle feels better balanced with a light and small silencer on the barrel.

Read more about balance here >

3. Noise reduction

Check how effectively the silencer reduces noise. Most manufacturers indicate this in decibels (dB). The greater the reduction, the quieter the shot, which is beneficial for protecting your hearing and minimizing environmental disturbances. Also, check how the manufacturer conducts sound measurements. Often, values are measured at the "shooter’s ear," which provides incomparable results across different silencers.

The value at the shooter’s ear only indicates the sound pressure the shooter is exposed to. A long rifle with a long silencer yields a lower result, even if the short silencer is more efficient. This happens because the sound source is closer to the shooter’s ear. A comparable measurement result is to measure sound pressure at the silencer's muzzle, eliminating the risk of inconsistent results.

Learn more about MIL-STD-1474D and how we conduct our noise measurements here >

4. Material and durability

Silencers are usually made from materials like aluminum, stainless steel, or titanium. Titanium is lightweight and corrosion-resistant but significantly more expensive. Aluminum is also lightweight, durable, and budget-friendly. Steel is very heavy but extremely durable, priced similarly to aluminum.

Choose a material that suits your needs and budget. Stalon silencers feature an aluminum body with reinforcements in stainless steel and titanium. We've selected the best features to create products with the highest possible durability and the lightest weight at an affordable price for hunters.

5. Mounting system

There are mainly two types of mounting systems for attaching the silencer to the rifle. The most common and secure method is threaded mounting. This requires the rifle to be threaded with the same thread as the silencer. The silencer is then screwed on, providing a stable and secure fit. The other option is quick detach mounts, which require an adapter on the rifle that the silencer attaches to. In many cases, a quick detach mount, as the name suggests, is an efficient way to attach the silencer to the rifle—but it’s not as secure as threaded mounting.

6. Maintenance and cleaning

Some silencers are easier to maintain than others. Some models require disassembly for cleaning, while others require no cleaning at all. Choose a model that’s easy to maintain with minimal cleaning, especially if you plan to use it frequently. A silencer collects powder residue, moisture, and other chemicals, which can damage the internal components. This affects the product's lifespan. A Stalon silencer is easy to maintain and requires almost no cleaning.

Learn more about our care recommendations here >

7. Laws and regulations

Check local laws and regulations regarding silencer usage. For example, in Sweden, a license is no longer required to own and use a silencer. Make sure you have all the necessary permits.

8. Price and budget

The price of silencers varies greatly depending on the brand, material, and effectiveness. Set your budget and compare different models to find the one that offers the most value for money.

9. Recoil reduction

Some silencers also reduce recoil, which is beneficial for all types of hunting and shooting, especially with powerful calibers. If recoil reduction is important to you, look for a model that offers this. All Stalon silencers reduce recoil, making even the most powerful calibers pleasant to shoot.

10. Manufacturer warranty and support

Choose a silencer from a manufacturer with good warranty terms and customer support. This can be crucial if you encounter problems or if the silencer needs servicing.

Read more about Stalon's warranty here >

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